Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
This reminds me a little of trying to pin my wife down on some thing that she has obviously (to me) not seen or done correctly. It usually doesn't go well and miscommunication abounds. ("And there you go again, not owning-up to your faults!") But I get all bothered because I think she should readily admit more fault. In the end, me trying to get her to own-up to something, probably causes more grief than the issue itself! ("Just why can't you see that HUGE spec in your eye?!") And then once again I am brought to the realization of how futile it is trying to get someone else to even see their shortcomings and/or do something about it (at least according to my perception of how all that should go).
I would like to think that I've gained some wisdom in this area, but it takes considerable diligence to keep my self-righteousness from getting all stirred-up in such things. Praise God for my wife!
I have a wife with similar traits.... must part of the female genome! You and me, we just don’t have the right DNA to outwit them.... and frankly after my time out in the corner she starts to make a whole lotta sense!