Originally Posted by leastofthese
Right, But what I don’t get is why I would lie about any of this? I have no hurt or ill will towards the people I met in the LC - quite the opposite. I was treated better than almost anyone that walked through the doors.
So then maybe I’m delusional? I think if that were the case I wouldn’t have a list of folks from all walks of life who would call responsible, smart, trustworthy, etc. I’m a very fortunate guy, for a lot of reasons, both personally and professionally - by the grace of God He calls me His son.
So maybe there are two LC’s? That doesn’t align with my experiences there either... I mean I’ve been to Anaheim, stayed in homes, been to “trainings”, and visited with people from many LC’s in the US.
Maybe we just see primarily what we want to see and filter the rest.
Sidebar: When I visit various groups as we travel, the Lord is teaching me to drop my preconceived notions about how others meet and regarding other general things (i.e., not related to the core beliefs of the faith). For to me to hang on to these just puts a dampener on fellowship (which I've experienced far too much)! I hope to also do this the next time I visit an LC group, that is, not block fellowship because of some silly, preconception I hold about how LCers are. He is able!