Originally Posted by kisstheson
Dear ones,
Oh my! This shines a whole new light on the events of the late 1980's regarding those who overlooked the recurring sin and thought it best to "became like an ostrich with their head in the sand". I would ask the BB's: Dear ones, who were the real divisive ones in the late 1980's? I know you think very highly of WN, so I beg you to please take heed to this quotation in brother Steve's letter. If even WN's words find you wanting, how much more may the True Judge's assessment of your words and actions in the late 1980's find you sadly wanting?
Dear BB's: REPENT!! Repent while there is still time to repent!!
Because of the undealt with sins at LSM, John So and churches in Europe disassociate with LSM.
Signatures on the letter from the disassociating churches are from Hamburg, Zurich, Geneva, Stuttgart, Reutlingen, Tiibengen, Pforzheim, Neuchatel, and Lausanne.
Did you know these brothers, Ron? They could not be reconciled, since there was no repentance by Brother Lee and LSM.