Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Thanks. Yes, I saw that and the follow-on discussion. My question has to do with the time: Why is it the full thousand years, or is it a portion of time - 5 minutes or 500 years? Where specifically do we get the time factor and the teaching I heard much about, that it is 1,000 years?
I think the basis is on the reference to the judgement seat of Christ and the Great White Throne judgement. Since the time frame between the two is taken to be 1,000 years.
Interestingly, I think the account of the false prophet is instructive. The standard theology is that at the end of this age the believers are judged and the overcomers enter into the joy of their Lord for the thousand year millennial reign. Then at the end of that age the Great White throne judgement will sort out both believers and unbelievers. It is taught that it is at this judgement that some are sent to the Lake of Fire. However, the false prophet is already in the lake of fire prior to the Great White Throne judgement. Obviously you are free to hypothesize why this is, my best guess is that the False prophet, based on Matt 7, wanted to be judged at the judgement seat of Christ thinking he was a believer, the Lord accommodated him, and sent him to the Lake of Fire 1,000 years early.
What I find interesting is that Matt 18 refers to all 3 cases, the overcomers (who is greatest in the kingdom?), outer darkness (debtors prison) and the false prophet (those that stumble the least in the kingdom).