Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-25-2018, 02:14 PM   #335
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
It's called "Interlibrary Loan".. most libraries have them. The book is widespread enough that most libraries have one in their network.

Also Annette Yoshiko Reed did a book on the fall of the angels. Not as good but still readable.

The alternative is either: 1) to pretend this subject is irrelevant (and ignore Jude and 2 Peter and Genesis 6); 2) to find yourself on a website where they are telling you about the Annunaki and alien giants; or 3) to listen to some home-brewed Protestant or post-Protestant teaching like Lee put out. Or didn't, as the case may be. You know, the old Calvinist "this means that" stuff.
I have both the hard and Kindle copies of "Fallen Angels - and The Origins of Evil - Why the Church Fathers Suppressed the Book of Enoch and its Starling Revelations." by Elizabeth Prophet.

And yes, most Christians won't touch the subject. I find it fascinating.
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