Originally Posted by Drake
What else can you do LofT? You’re just riding coattails... and enjoying the ride it seems.
And what should I do with your many misunderstandings? Let them go unchallenged? Take the above for example... I am and have never been “under Lee”. I understand that it is easier for you to enjoin here by so mischaracterizing Drake because that way he fits the character of the popular narrative and then you have no splainin to do. It’s convenient. In other words, you prefer to debate an entirely different Drake vs. the real Drake right in front of you. I know my reality LofT, I just refuse to go along with yours..... so of course you will pass.
Drake, like it or not, your reality has been defined by Witness Lee and the Blendeds. That's why you must run from the challenges that many posters present you with. Instead of confronting the truth, the
real reality, you continually hide and revert back to what Lee said was real. You believe all of LSM's PR, yet you have never peeked behind the curtain to see what's really there. You dare not know the truth by comparing Lee's teachings with his actions.