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Old 08-24-2018, 06:05 AM   #74
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Default Re: Lee's errorous teaching concerns being in spirit and out of mind.

Originally Posted by leastofthese View Post
Drake, you’re so caught up in being perceived as right, you can’t see the reality that surrounds you. Your behavior on this forum is what you get after 40 years under Lee? How about me? I’ll pass.
What else can you do LofT? You’re just riding coattails... and enjoying the ride it seems.

And what should I do with your many misunderstandings? Let them go unchallenged? Take the above for example... I am and have never been “under Lee”. I understand that it is easier for you to enjoin here by so mischaracterizing Drake because that way he fits the character of the popular narrative and then you have no splainin to do. It’s convenient. In other words, you prefer to debate an entirely different Drake vs. the real Drake right in front of you. I know my reality LofT, I just refuse to go along with yours..... so of course you will pass.

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