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Old 08-22-2018, 12:48 PM   #60
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Default Re: Lee's errorous teaching concerns being in spirit and out of mind.

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
I remember starting my day with the date that matched the date in "A Table in the Wilderness."

I resented the Life-Study's. They quenched the Spirit. Haven't read any HWFMR ... If someone has an example of one on the web, that would be cool. I'd like to see if they really are a morning revival, or if that's just a catchy euphemistic title. They say, "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

Anyway. I'd only like to judge how HWFMR affects the Spirit, and to see and feel its effects on the meeting. That's the true test of HWFMR.

I also wonder how much Lee they have in them. Are they Lee booklets?
There's nothing inspirational or "reviving" for the morning. HWFMR is kind of like eating turkey jerky with preservatives. It is just repackaging of Lee's writings, more like a study guide outline for the Sunday morning meeting. The reason they are mandated for Sunday service is so that everyone has to buy one.
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