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Old 08-22-2018, 07:09 AM   #47
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Lee's errorous teaching concerns being in spirit and out of mind.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Glad you asked.

Mostly StG.... I am responding to a allegation of "control" using HWMR in the Lord's day morning prophesying meeting. The allegation is not accurate. "Anaheimians" are not out cruising the local churches looking for violators as aron suggests. Never seen that or anything close in 40+ years.

History: However, I was there before and after the HWMR.... the burden was to facilitate "each one has" according to 1 Corinthians 14:26 to build the Body of there was still a class system before HWMR where gifted 5 talented members would function, as would many 2 talented members... but the problem was with the majority, the 1 talented members not functioning and many, perhaps most, that came out of the clergy laity system were not used to functioning (it was the pastor who gets paid to preach was the inherent conditioning problem) ... Brother Lee spent a lot of time on this topic. Some gifted brothers were not totally comfortable with the idea but it was felt that if we enabled and encouraged five 1 talented members to rise up then their building of the Body would be just as effective as one functioning gifted brother.

And it proved to be true in my experience and observation.

The HMWR then was designed so that each day there is a reading from the ministry, scripture verses, maybe a hymn reference.. and then a few blank lines to write your inspiration for that day. By the end of the week, you would have accumulated a record of daily inspiration to compose a short and living testimony from how the Lord touched you that week. My experience was that when most of the members were on the same page in this way the cumulative light from every member functioning on that topic was much deeper. Anyone could share from something else but as long as the majority were in the fellowship of the same topic the prophesying meeting was richer, deeper, higher and that was because of the function from the 1 talented members who previously were pretty much silent.

Still, anyone could share from anything... but most realized the benefit by being in the same topic. That applied to the prophesying meeting. However, as I mentioned I was in a another locality last Lord's day and they were not using the HWMR.... they decided that something else was more beneficial for a month or two. They decided what the church needed in their locality.

Home meetings, young people's meetings, and other meetings and what they get into.... well, that just depends on what the ones caring for that meeting think in fellowship of course.

That is what is happening on the ground with HWMR ... not this big bad control mechanism that some here are suggesting.

Thanks for that explanation. The motive, as described, is certainly admirable.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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