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Old 08-21-2018, 07:01 AM   #26
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Lee's errorous teaching concerns being in spirit and out of mind.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
So, you are an advocate for free-for-all meetings... anything can be said, anyone can be quoted, no framework, no order, you get to quote your Non-Christian 2nd Temple scholars, .... and where else is that permitted?

I mentioned before that prior to the use of HWMR in the prophesying meetings it resembled what you described.... there could be 20 people speaking on 20 different subjects. Very little order and little edification. Furthermore, those that tended to speak were ones who could compose... so there was still remnants of a class system and then there were those who could talk about their Aunt Petula for the whole time.

With the HWMR came some focus and order followed by everyone functioning... so the topic could be thoroughly reviewed and presented by any member... the format encourages “each one has”. Collectively, the whole assembly presents the whole message. The sharing of personal testimonials still happens, different topics are brought in, but the HWMR helped facilitate the transition from a few speakers to every one being able to function.

There are your two options, then: one is a "free-for-all" and the other is rigid adherence to HWFMR? This aligns with my observation of lack of thought in the LC. Oversimplify & hope no one notices.

Nee got to talk about whatever the spirit led. Why such latitude with one man, and all the rest have no freedom?
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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