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Old 08-20-2018, 06:46 PM   #18
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Default Re: Lee's errorous teaching concerns being in spirit and out of mind.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Brother Lee never taught to abandon the mind.... quite the contrary... as can be seen in the footnote I cited for public consumption... to the same "public" that sings those songs (that he, just to be precise, did not actually pen, did he?) he states clearly we must engage the mind BUT..... big BUT..... not by itself... but set on the spirit.

Lee taught us repeatedly not to have any opinion. The only way not to have any opinion is to abandon our mind, our thinking facility. Here's what the dictionary says about opinions:

Merriam-Webster definition of OPINION:
  • 1: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter
  • 2: approval, esteem
  • 3: belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
  • 4: a generally held view
Without opinions, a person is not a person. A person is a vegetable. Man is a constitution of opinions based on training, education, and life experiences. Who would marry a girl/guy without any opinions? Who would employ a person without opinions?

To have no opinion is not to think, not to use your mind, not to have the ability to reason. The Lord told Israel, "Come let us reason together." Obviously the Lord created us with a mind to reason, to think, and to develop opinions -- develop the right opinions about God, about the Bible, about life, etc.

What we should really be asking is why. Why did Lee want followers who did not think? What was he hiding? What did he not want us to know?
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