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Old 08-20-2018, 05:59 PM   #16
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 510
Default Re: Lee's errorous teaching concerns being in spirit and out of mind.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
From my experience, neither of those are accurate.

All think and none I know of pretend not to. I don't think you think that either. It's just a convenient out for you.. sorta like.... oh, they're all just brain-dead unlike me, an enlightened fellow, 'nuff said...

At this point aron, your not even presenting a logical argument much less a compelling one. Admittedly, my expectations were recently reset about your contribution so I kind of got them up... seeing how you were going to bring in scholars, and languages, and historical perspectives throughout church history.. that sort of thing... but you haven't and probably never will but appear to be content that your contribution in these threads is boiled down to derogatory name-calling of brothers and cutesy unsubstantiated catch phrases which are irrelevant to the topics under discussion.

That is just my observation, but it bears no significance to you because I am one of those "brain-dead" local churchers.... and yet you will have your day in court, so to speak, to present your "if the shoe fits" argument before the Lord. I just hope you see your way through it before that day and that Matt 5:22 does not become your reality.

I really hope not brother.

I was SO excited to agree with Drake after reading his first sentence, but then he went off the rails again.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
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