Originally Posted by Drake
....and what, pray tell, has that to do with this topic?.. ... you cite something irrelevant to the subject and then tie it in at the end thinking that it corroborates your argument?
Why did Lee teach so poorly & nobody notices? Because they're blinded. Their brains have been turned off by the incessant chanting & rhythmic shouting. They're mesmerized, stupified.
How come the movement started by women (Ruth Lee & Elizabeth Fischbacher transcribed & edited his spoken messages into printed book form) doesn't allow women as blended co-workers, and no one notices? Because they're brain-dead is why.
Why does no one notice that a supposed ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5) doesn't reconcile with anyone, acting as if it were merely a guanxi network? Because they're trained (conditioned) not to notice anything.
Seems pretty obvious what the point was - irrespective of what's put out on the printed page, one isn't allowed to think in the LC.