Originally Posted by awareness
All good points Least. We can't over generalize. The Baptists aren't all the same, even in the same assembly. Southern Baptists, for instance, broke with the Baptists, in mid-19th century, over the issue of holding slaves.
We, or I, can say the same for the Church of Christ (Campbellites), who hold only they will go to heaven, everyone else, specially if they use musical instruments, are gonna burn. Except I mingled with them here, and not all the members in the CoC churches agree with the official "non-creedal" doctrine they are being taught, or coming from the pulpit.
But I think the topic here is about the Baptists, and if Baptist means the same as Recovery.
So I guess we need to define what Baptist means. I thought that was what we are doing, even when pointing out Baptist Landmarkism.
So so far we've failed to identify even what Baptist means.
I agree, would we also need to define the Recovery? What are the implications for each of us, either following Witness Lee and his church or being affiliated with a local church (maybe a denomination, maybe non-denom)?