Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-16-2018, 06:31 AM   #317
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
Not only are you a young child carrying around that burden, but once you grow up some and realize that you were cheated out of knowing the real person and heart of God, you are then left to wrestle with the questions of "Where was God in all this? Why would He let me go on for so long under such a heavy burden without stepping in to clear it up? If He really wants a relationship with me, where was He to correct the misrepresentation and show Himself to me? Does He really love me or just love seeing me hurt?"

It really does a number on you.
You are right.

Nearly all of us have our complaints about our own personal upbringing. I had mine. It was these almost cries for justice and answers that led me to the Savior, after stumbling into many shameful and painful pits. Since then life has not been a bed of roses without its discouragements. It was these events which force us to take serious assessment of our short time on earth. Do we zoom in on what we find missing and objectionable, or do we "treasure hunt" to find some heavenly gems in our own dumpster of life.

Fortunately, I've done both. I say fortunately because what if I had never sought the Answer, and then found Him? Of course, most of us would like to believe that "if God was good," we should never have had the difficulties we did in the first place. Why was I created the way I was? Why was I in this family? Why was everyone picking on me? Questions like this tormented me at one time. Over time I came to learn the secret of ascension. Actually I did this many times over the years, since I was first saved, before I even realized what I had done.

Briefly, I somehow rise above the situation and look down with a new point of view. I see suffering as short-lived and temporary. Instead of seeing my own health issues, I see those born blind, those hit by tragedy, those far worse off than me. Instead of comparing downward from some perceived ideal, I compare upward. All my complaints then seem tiny from above. Things take on new perspective. Eternity comes into view. The blessings of my Father can also be seen. The little annoyances almost disappear. The needs of others can be seen. The important things come into focus.

Trapped, hope this helps somehow.
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