Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Right! And I think there are a limited number of 5 talent ones. But there's a lot of us one talent ones (present company excepted of course). One talents are the infantry - the boots on the ground. If we don't do it, then who will!?
I am more and more aware that God has placed me with my family, my church-folk, my neighbors, my co-workers, my body, my house, money, vehicles - you name it! This is what He has given me and where He has me, and in these is where I need to be faithful.
Be faithful to His calling where, when , and what.....and then be faithful if and when He calls you to a new where, at a new when, with a new what.
We never know about the future in our lives... .... and what is in the past is a frozen record.... but we have the present to do something about .... by following His instant leading and returning an investment on that which He gave us.