Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-15-2018, 10:17 AM   #312
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Right. The one talented servants may be intimidated or introspective about only having 1 talent... watching the 5 talented one give back 10, or the 2 talented one give back 4... he might be thinking his 1 talent could never return 10 or 4 ... he thinks probably not even 2.... so he buries it. Yet the Lord only asks him to invest what he has received.

I think of it this way.... Billy Graham was a 5 talented member of the Body.... he returned 10 (arguably more than that but to stay within the lines of the parable) ... we could get introspective about that and say "y'know, Brother Billy really understands how to lead people to the Lord... but I never could do what he does so I won't even try to preach the gospel... he more than makes up for my lack". That would be to bury our one talent in the matter of gospel preaching and thereby not fulfilling the great commission. Or in practical service in the church.. or any number of related talents.

Right! And I think there are a limited number of 5 talent ones. But there's a lot of us one talent ones (present company excepted of course). One talents are the infantry - the boots on the ground. If we don't do it, then who will!?

I am more and more aware that God has placed me with my family, my church-folk, my neighbors, my co-workers, my body, my house, money, vehicles - you name it! This is what He has given me and where He has me, and in these is where I need to be faithful.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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