Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-15-2018, 07:09 AM   #307
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
The caution applies not only to giving, but to any act: if it gets social reinforcement (warm fuzzies all around) then one may do it for the group approval, assuming this is a one-to-one analog of "gaining Christ". So just go to the right meeting, shout the right phrases, and 'voila'! You're on your way. . .but if the phrases shouted get 'funny' - i.e. they depart more and more from the plain words of the gospel, what to do? All you have is your so-called enjoyment, trusting in your performance. And thus the anxiety and uncertainty.
Years ago TC, while giving a regional message, had a young rising young star stand up and give a demonstration of public prayer. Young JV told us all how to do it, and then gave a demonstration -- "start out slow, increase speed, short succinct phrases, etc. ... -- all to thunderous "amens" from the audience. It was perhaps the first time I ever considered that public prayer could all be manipulated. Apparently JV was really good at this. I, however, was not that good.

Bottom line is this: Every unique practice and teaching must be tested and proven. Some require the test of time. Some require the test of Christian scholarship. Some require a simple examination with the scriptures. "But ... test all things, hold on to only the good." (I Thess 5.21)
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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