Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-15-2018, 03:53 AM   #304
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Great point. LSMers love to tout their meeting style with all the members "functioning" in the meetings. Yet who has adequately examined the downside of this "performance-based" system? If we must "know them by their fruit," then after all the years, where are all the blessed recipients?"

I was fortunate to be in a region that at least was aware of some of the dangers of these public performances. Cheers and adulation bestowed on young believers is not all good. Seeds of vain glory can also be sown into their hearts, deceiving their growing faith. How easy it has become to fake the real thing and perform for a willing audience. And whoch LC leader dares to suffer backlash for signaling the dangers here?

We have some of these testimonies on this forum. Make no mistake, LSM has damaged many a young faith seed with their programs.
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