Re: Outer Darkness?
Yes, those are all difficult passages, and thanks for posting them all in one place!
As for that last one, I think it's pretty easy to see it was a believer: He was a slave of the master; there is an element of expectation for his master's return; and his portion is appointed with the unbelievers. Saying that his portion was appointed with unbelievers is a contrast to something, namely he (the slave) IS a believer.
There are those who accept the Lord and go off and do wicked things, and never repent and come back. These would be evil ones. It would be hard to reward these ones anything at all! And would they be hypocrites? I think so,, in that they have received the new life and nature, but are not living in any way according to it.
So there appears to be something the Lord does to these ones that is much more severe than what we think would be appropriate for a believer . . . but He is the righteous judge.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!