Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-14-2018, 04:20 AM   #280
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Drake said that Moses' case doesn't interest him. Probably because it doesn't help his position. He's more interested in his position than the bible........The fact that Drake ignored Moses, and Lazarus and the rich man, shows what it takes to maintain this teaching. He's holding onto the spiritual equivalent of unicorns and rainbows.
First, I did not ignore the discussion about Lazarus, rather, I explained it and provided clarity to your erroneous statement that it was a parable.

Aron, why do you keep doing mischaracterizing what I say? It’s a waste of your, mine, and everyone’s time. I mean it’s not like it’s something I said last week, last month, or last year that is easily forgotten..... you keep mischaracterizing my posts that are still hot off the press..... anyone can read it for themselves and see you are making stuff up. In the future, if you are going to do a “Drake said...” I ask you to provide the exact quote along with it so everyone can see what you are talking about.

If you are so imprecise with my simple posts how are you ever going to explain a more complex analysis from learned and educated men, using the original languages, showing different types and applications of theology, bringing in the views of scholars throughout history?

By the way, when does that start? Are you up for the task?

Which brings us to Moses. I did not ignore Moses as you claim above, I said I did not see the relevance of Moses in the context of a discussion on outer darkness and then I encouraged you to start your compelling presentation with him if you prefer. Afterall, you introduced him so please show us how he fits into the outer darkness schematic.

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