Originally Posted by aron
It seems you don't like my line of questioning & so pretend not to 'get it' - rather you do get it & would prefer to change the subject post-haste.
I'm surprised you didn't try the "just pray about it" dodge, which LSM operatives usually fall back on when you begin to critically examine the contents of their theology; the "you just need the vision" &c.
Oh, and don't forget the "how dare you slander God's chosen vessel" schtick. Anything to avoid addressing the substance of the issue at hand.
Suppose you go to a conference of the LSM. After the message, everyone stands and testifies of their "enjoyment" of the "rich ministry". But suppose someone actually has an issue, and raises it? There might be some attempt to paper over the perceived discrepancy. But ultimately there is the fallback to subjectivism: "get out of your mind, brother" or some such. The questioner is accused of being "dark" &c.
Witness Lee was the spiritual equivalent of PT Barnum. There were enough suckers out there that he and his progeny could make a living. But his theology in toto has little value, of itself. At best, it's a small part of the larger conversation. Yes, there are consequences for our actions. But Jesus is the consequence of God's saving love. Today he calls us - hear his voice. The consequences of his actions are eternal life to all who believe. This saving call should consume our attentions - not the imaginariums of spiritual hucksters.