Originally Posted by Evangelical
Interpretation would have been a better choice of word than imagination.
The thought of unicorns and rainbows while reading a parable is an imagination. Comparing two or more parables and then drawing a conclusion is correlation.
I drew on the wider conversation to use the word "imagination". Psalm 18 says, " He [the Father] rescued me [the Christ] because He [the Father] delighted in me [the Christ]." We have ample correlation in the NT that the Father delighted in the Son.
Yet Lee told us that this was the natural and fallen concept of the sinner David.
The writer of the epistle to the Hebrews said, "We see Jesus" after extensive citation of the psalms. (2:8) Yet Lee taught his disciples to ignore the word of scripture.
Drake said that Moses' case doesn't interest him. Probably because it doesn't help his position. He's more interested in his position than the bible.
My point here has been that the "thousand years in finishing school" concept is an anachronism, designed to address the arguments of history (Calvinism/Arminianism). In some sense, it is preferable. And it helped Nee. But in another sense, that is like saying third grade is preferable to first grade - yeah, but so what? It doesn't help me. There is no indication that anyone in the 1st century used these interpretations. They come from the minds (imaginations) of Nee and Lee. The fact that Drake ignored Moses, and Lazarus and the rich man, shows what it takes to maintain this teaching. He's holding onto the spiritual equivalent of unicorns and rainbows.