Originally Posted by Trapped
I'm struggling a little with the connection you made with your comment about a man being blind from his birth so that the works of God may be made manifest. To me that describes suffering that befalls a human, explicitly stated not as the consequence of an act of sin, that the Lord uses to glorify Himself, with the result (at least in John 9:1-12 that you alluded to) being positive for that person in their human life and a glory to God. On the other hand, the situations I mentioned were passed off as suffering/death as a direct consequence of an act of "sin" (leaving the LC) that was represented as the Lord's punishment upon that person. These are two very different things, but I may be missing something you intended to convey
I’ll clarify Trapped..... Concerning the man blind from birth and the brother who leaves the Lord’s Recovery and meets with some tragedy ..... my view was that as the man was not born blind because of sin, in like manner the brothers death was not a result of the sin of leaving the Lord’s Recovery... because I don’t believe it is a sin to leave the Lord’s Recovery and I never heard anyone teach it that way either.
Of course you rightly point out that the condition of the man born blind was to glorify God .. i was not trying to convey anything on that aspect regarding the tragedy that befalls a brother.