Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-13-2018, 04:40 PM   #260
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
For instance, lack of forgiveness, exacting payment from others and throwing others into prison though your payment was forgiven by the Lord, burying your talent and being an unprofitable servant.. etc. etc. All those are matters of determining an entrance into the manifestation of the kingdom... not salvation. That is what most christian theology misses... the kingdom and its manifestation and the requirements to enter... it is not a matter of fear..
Sorry, this is not true at all. I'll give one instance to confirm.

Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians that they are members one of another, "many members but one body." He reproves them for how they have treated one another. His entire epistle expounds on this. Christians today also treasure the Lord's prayer, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." This theology is ingrained by ministers into the entire body of Christ. It is quite evident every where I visit.

Witness Lee altered this message deceptively as his power grew. Instead he taught "many churches but one body" referring to his ministry. Rather than loving, forgiving, and serving the brothers and sisters besides us, Lee twisted the emphasis to how was your relationship with the ministry. Thus brothers fought with brothers during the New Way over who was more "one with the ministry." Those workers who were not absolutely loyal to Lee, even to the point of ship-wrecking their own consciences, were discarded, quarantined, and slandered by Lee and his cadre of minions.

So don't tell me about forgiveness, loving the brothers, and treating them according to God. That's why I left your little club.
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