Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-13-2018, 02:55 PM   #249
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
So in the meantime I imagine aron might do what most considerate, reasonable Christians do when it comes to researching and learning about the proper understandings and interpretations of such deep theological matters - he will turn to the plethora of educated and learned men that the Lord has provided to the Body of Christ for the proper interpretations. They may vary in their interpretations, but most will be backing them up with knowledge of different types and applications of theology, with knowledge of the original languages, and the historical understandings and interpretations of other biblical scholars throughout the ages. What he won't be doing is turning to the uneducated guesses and willy-nilly, make-it-up-as-he-went-along "theology" of Witness Lee. -
That is terrific!

Aron, this is great. Now you can demonstrate once and for all, just how that "uneducated" China-man stacks up against "educated and learned men". Can't wait to see the knowledge of different types and applications of theology, original languages, and historical understandings and interpretations throughout the ages. All good stuff.

So, I'm here, pen in hand and brand spankin new spiral notebook. You won't mind if I ask questions and raise points of clarification? ok, good.. didn't think a reasonable and considerate christian such as yourself would mind.

So, exactly what did those scholars throughout the ages say about the outer darkness?

The podium is yours.

Thanks much,
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