Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-13-2018, 02:29 PM   #248
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Right... Hebrews says that they did not enter into His "rest" and I Cor 15 says they served as examples for us being strewn along in the wilderness.

So, please tell us your version of what entering into His rest mean? And then what does not entering into His rest mean?

"Stark and sober" indeed.... so we should dive into it.

I don't know - Moses? Please, go ahead. We are waiting. I am, anyway.

My version is this: God loves us, so much that He sent His Son. We might believe into him, Jesus the Messiah, and have eternal life.

Now, how come Moses didn't enter into the rest, but is with Christ on the Mountain? Should I ignore this in my theology-building? You seem to want to. Why - because your teacher did?

There's a danger in gross oversimplification, and LSM is Exhibit A. You want me to be Exhibit B? Okay, how about "Love God and love your neighbour"?

You want responsibility, and consequence? How about, "What you do to others will be done to you"? That's not good enough for you? Why not?

Why follow someone who goes beyond what is written? How does this "closely follow the apostles teaching"? How come Witness Lee got to tease 'truths' out of thin air while the rest were told, "Don't have an opinion"?

It's clear in the NT, both in gospel and epistle, that there's consequence for disobedience. Nobody here on this forum has suggested otherwise.
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