Originally Posted by aron
Have you not read scripture? Read the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Does this occur in the millennial reign of Christ? "In Hades he was in torment"; Luke 16:23. And "You are in agony"; Luke 16:25. When did this occur?.
First, that is
not a parable as you say.... its important to know the difference else you will continue to misapply the scripture. No wonder you toss your hands up and declare "we simply don't know". I'm not doubting that you don't know... but that does not mean it is not knowable.... Let's have a closer look.
This is not a future event in the millennial reign... this is an actual occurrence at that time, and the Lord knew of it, and it occurred, apparently, before the Lord rose from the dead as Abraham indicated (v30-31). Therefore, what we know from this case is that Hades, the abode of the dead, has two parts... the pleasant part in the "bosom of Abraham", a pleasant place for His saved people like Abraham, Lazarus, and the saved saints .... and then there is a section of torment for that rich man and all the perished sinners. That is plain from the text. There is no reading into it, no need to read into it, and certainly not to be confounded with the outer darkness at the time of the millennial reign of Christ.
For a brief moment I thought that is where you were going with it.... a flash of insight...a rational comparison.... but alas, rather than complete the task, you went off on your paranoid talking points about "control and manipulation" digging in head first. Aron, either it is truth or not... like eternal torment in the lake of fire. People may not want to hear about an eternity in lake of fire, and some preachers may overuse it to keep rowdy whipper snappers like young Harold in line... but that does not change the fact that there is a lake of fire and a place of eternal torment.
At any point you should feel free to explain from the scriptures what the outer darkness is, when it occurs, and any other particulars as we have offered already. No pressure aron... take your time....I accept your self-assessment.