Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-13-2018, 11:27 AM   #239
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
If not during the millennial reign of Christ, then when does the outer darkness occur?
Have you not read scripture? Read the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Does this occur in the millennial reign of Christ? "In Hades he was in torment"; Luke 16:23. And "You are in agony"; Luke 16:25. When did this occur?

And who says the "many lashes" and "few lashes" (Luke 12) have to occur in the millennial kingdom, and/or last the duration? We simply don't know. Why go beyond scripture? Why the dogma based on personal interpretation? Is that the basis for open and mutually profitable fellowship, or is that going to convict the unbelievers? Or, rather is it the basis of control and manipulation of believers? Seems the latter, to me. And it fits with what we know of the LSM - many witnesses have attested to this group's ways.

It's enough to make the point that we're responsible. It's a point worth making. Why clutter teaching with speculation? It isn't profitable, unless you want control.

The Bible does talk of "overcomers". But in the hypersubjective world of the LC a word means whatever the Guru wants it to mean today. Same as otherwise ordinary words like "proper", and being "vital", and "enjoyment" . . . initially it seems like a normal word, even tied to a verse or two, but when you try to grab hold, it's tied to nothing at all, and is a completely subjective interpretation from "God's oracle".
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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