Originally Posted by Drake
If your “truth” includes the parables that mention judgment and the outer darkness then please provide an explanation about what they mean. The consequences are serious according to those parables.
If you don’t know and have no explanation that is okay... say that.... but please don’t pretend that you know but refuse to answer because Jesus said ONCE (not to many questions as you assert) to Peter “ what is that to you.”. That has nothing to do with this topic.
I've already explained and affirmed the principle of judgment, mentioned in 1 Cor 10 and Heb 3, as reinforcing the parables of Jesus as pertaining to believers. But the question on this thread has been, where does this say, "For 1,000 years"?
Still no answer. The best we can get is "it's inferred" by one recent Bible expositor. And this is to be our truth?
And Jesus only said "none of your business" only once? What about Acts 1:7. My translation says, "it is not for you to know"
Now, judgment for unfaithful (christian) servants may indeed be for 1,000 years. But then again it may not. Scripture doesn't say.