Originally Posted by Drake
That is a complete fabrication. I never admitted such thing. I never suggested or implied such a thing. Rather, I said just the opposite.
Aron, you are doing to my posts what you do to Brother Lee’s teaching. You make stuff up, you use selective text, and you twist. Really brother you should be ashamed of your behavior.
Let be me clear and bring this home for you to the topic of this thread. The judgement seat of Christ is real, it will happen right on schedule, and every believer who stands before Him will give an account of every word and deed... including those words in your posts in this thread. Those who are worthy will enter the 1000 year millennial reign as co-kings with Christ. And those who aren’t will be cast into outer darkness where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Speculate on what that will be however you like. That punishment is the testimony of the Bible, and the only amalgam of human imagination are the ones you keep fabricating here.
Hope that helps.
Drake, it would also be nice to see this level of accountability related to the judgment seat of Christ related to unrighteous and criminal behaviors at LSM. Why doesn't your blood boil with indignation seeing all the damaged and stumbled children of God?
You learned well from Witness Lee. He would shutdown all cries for accountability using the same techniques -- threatening them with the judgment seat of Christ -- while covering up for his profligate son Philip molesting another of the volunteer staff. Or perhaps while fleecing the saints with that Daystar boondoggle.
So, why don't you climb down from your high horse and discuss these teachings? You don't like
aron's take on things? Then use your vast debating skills to teach from the scripture. And leave out your favorite Straw man. Please!