Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-12-2018, 12:04 PM   #203
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Nevertheless, I remember sitting in a meeting. Not sure who was speaking. Also not sure the location or exact date either, but pretty sure it would have been Berkeley (or perhaps a training) in the mid-70s. Stories were conveyed in the meeting about people who left. I remember one story in particular, about a brother who had been around a while and decided to leave the LC. A week later he was out mowing his lawn with an electric mower and ran across the cord - he was electrocuted and was killed immediately. There was a hush in the meeting and you could feel the awe and fear come over everyone. We were told something to the affect, "God takes the Recovery very seriously, and if you leave there will be consequences!" IT HAPPENED AND REGARDLESS WHAT YOU SAY, IT DOESN'T CHANGE THAT.
None of us should try to persuade Drake of what we have seen or heard in the LCM, but "we know what we know" ...

This is how it always went folks:
  • If hardship befalls those inside the LC's, then we heard comments like, "the enemy always fights hardest against the saints," or "the Lord really loves him/her, and wants to gain their hearts," or "this just proves how much the enemy is out to get our families," etc.
  • But if hardship befalls those outside the LC's, especially those who have left the LCM, then we heard comments like, "the Lord really means business in these days," or "don't play games with His testimony," or "see, if you leave the recovery, you leave the Lord's blessing."
Thus, they can have it both ways. Self-reinforcing circular reasoning in action.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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