Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-12-2018, 06:09 AM   #196
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Bottom line here, Drake & Evan, is there are many on here who said they picked up the so-called "thousand years in outer darkness" concept from WL, and that teaching was pushed to an unhealthy extreme. Okay, maybe things have changed now (you both seem to infer that) in the LC and this is no longer pushed as a major doctrine, but I'm here to testify that it was certainly quite thick when I was around the LC last, back in the 1980s.

Now, with that said, it in no way negates that the word definitely & repeatedly shows accountability for our works; the things done while in the body! We're just pointing out that the pendulum swung too far to an extreme in the LC regarding this teaching.
Nope. Not my experience in 4 decades. Not my wife’s experience. Not anyone else that I know. There was no pushing it to any extreme ...anymore then your note keeps pushing it to extreme. Your last paragraph to balance out the front part of your note is no different in principle. (And if you keep balancing your posts you too will be remembered for your extremist views on accountability. )

Or for that matter, the discussion of the topic in this forum... another example... we talk about it here but we don’t talk about it in every other thread. Brother Lee was faithful to speak on the subject wherever it came up in the Word... Revelation, Matthew, and other relevant topics such as the Kingdom. Compare his ministry.... see how much of it was about outer darkness verses the other aspects of the Christian life, Christ and the Church, the Triune God, God’s eternal purpose, the mingled spirit, the Body and Bride of Christ, the Building of God. the life practices, etc. etc. Then come back and advise us whether he over emphasized outer darkness.... I know what you will find because I have read it for over 40 years.

Now, if someone wants to charge Brother Lee emphasized the kingdom... well, then they may have a point.

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