Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-12-2018, 05:59 AM   #195
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
But fear was used to keep me in the LC. I was told of brothers that left, and how God punished them with death, or some such, for doing it.

So don't tell me that fear isn't used to keep people in the LC..
Not my experience, awareness. Like Evangelical, I never heard of it described like you are doing... like a strategy of some sort...

Whoa brothers, people might leave so let’s scare them into staying.... let’s tell them about Brother Sonso... he left and got hit by a school bus 3 days later.

Could there be a situation like that were a brother made a correlation? Sure. Is it a practice? Nah.

The reward and punishment of the millennial reign of Christ is another matter altogether. Doesn’t matter whether you fear it or not. Whether one believes it or not.... it will happen just as stated.

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