Originally Posted by ABrotherinFaith
I have friends in the LC who have resigned themselves, because of this teaching, to never being overcomers. They literally told me, "we'll never be overcomers, but, oh well." It's almost a joke. They have no hope. That's the sad reality that people have when belief and faith in Jesus and what he accomplished isn't seen as enough.
Last week I heard the same thing from some LC family members. So casually they speak about "making up classes at summer school" referring to a thousand years of outer darkness.
WL used this teaching to subjugate all of his adherents. Firstly he constantly condemned the whole of the body of Christ -- none of them had a chance. Next, inside the LCM, we were constantly given the impression that only those in the leadership at LSM had a "chance."
But how can this be after we learn the real stories of corruption at LSM. Will God overlook their deception, slander, coverups, swindling, etc. etc. -- just because these folks used the "correct" name for their franchise "churches?"
How does anyone believe that?
Look at brother Titus Chu in Cleveland -- condemned, banned, shamed, and quarantined by LSM -- yet I hear this 80 y.o. brother spends much of his time on mainland China teaching the saints there -- one of the reasons they banned him.
Do LC folks really expect the Lord Jesus will judge these "condemned" ministers the same way as Lee and the Blendeds at LSM have done?