Originally Posted by aron
The RecV footnotes in Rev 20 & 12 verify what was clearly and repeatedly taught: that participants in the Millennium were either killed (martyred) during the church age or the great tribulation, OR got raptured at the start of the GT. No other route was offered.
It seems current LSM operatives either studiously ignore this teaching, or try to quietly modify it. But back in the day, it couldn't have been made more categorically clear, and as UntoHim and others relate, it was often held over us.
It was very common for us young brothers in the LC to look at each other and say something like,
"Well this is the only way we're getting in (to the millennial feast)!" and would make a gesture of neck-chopping with our hand (as in beheading). We would all knowingly nod and laugh in a pained sort of humor . . .
In fact, a brother and I used to do that as recently as maybe 10-15 years ago in Scottsdale. Thankfully we've received (and are receiving) fresh light from the Lord! (And it was a fresh knowing of His love that started opening the word to us in a clearer way.)