Originally Posted by A little brother
How would I know? The bible didn't say explicitly.
But in my personal opinion, it would be forever. Matt 25 is different from Matt 5 or 18 where the people are sent to prison until the debt is repaid. Those people are under the custody of the jailer. I see those imprisonments in Matt 5 and 18 as God's disciplinary action in present life.
The servant in Matt 25 was not only unfaithful, he was worthless to his master. God's people are His treasure and this worthless servant is probably not one of them. If we interpret darkness as without God's presence, how can that worthless servant become more worthy without God's help there in the outer darkness? That's why I think he probably will stay there forever.
Hmmm, that is an interesting thought, but I don't think I agree with the eternal outer darkness thing. He was a bone fide servant and had been given things by his master, so he's a son in my thinking. The word for worthless could also be translated unmeritorious or unprofitable. Many know what it is like to have a son, yet they are basically unprofitable. We still love them and wouldn't punish them forever . . .
Yet it is a serious matter to fall into the hands of the Living God, and judgment does begin at His house!
So perhaps there are two basic principles that we can all agree on that are true from the word:
1. We are reborn with a gift of new life - His life - in us, and therefore children of God saved eternally.
2. There are many warnings in OT and NT telling us we are accountable - there is some degree of scrutiny by God in the next life (and also this life) - for our works after we receive the new birth.
We might not know exactly what the accountability looks like, but I am convinced it is there - just way, way too many places the word talks about this. One brother I know says it's good enough just knowing these two basic things: {we are eternally saved; yet we're accountable for our works} and that is good enough for him to be motivated to seek Him continually!
So is there agreement on these two basic concepts?