Originally Posted by UntoHim
Opening Post:
Well he may have not discussed himself as an overcomer (that actually went without saying )...but Witness Lee was not shy about telling impressionable young people and gullible older ones how to be an overcomer - It was to be a faithful and devout member of the Local Church - HIS CHURCH - The Local Church of Witness Lee. Those poor souls in "poor, poor Christianity" were surely going to be the ones in outer darkness. Why? Why it was for the unforgivable sin of not following the person and work of Witness Lee. Haven't ever heard of the man? Oh well, sucks to be you! And God help those Christian apologists who were exposing the false teachings and aberrational practices...They were going straight to outer darkness...do not pass go, do not collect $200...It's extra weeping and extra gnashing of teeth for you guys! See ya in 1,000 years, you opposers and destroyers of God's building!
Of course our friend Drake is going to say "I never heard such things!" and "I don't recognize that Local Church!" Good for you my man. Glad you lived such a "sheltered church life". But many of us were not so lucky. Hundreds upon hundreds, probably thousands upon thousands, were not so lucky.
That is all very interesting UntoHim but it is not even rational and it is inaccurate.
However, I won’t refute the dreadful account of your experience in the local churches. Not mine but yours. I did attend almost every training and conference for twenty years, bought the books, etc. called on the Lord and absolutely fell in love with Jesus to a depth I never experienced before. My love for the Lord has only grown over these past 40 years. I can only hope that in the path you have chosen that you also have found the peace that passes understanding and your love too is ever increasing.
Now the inaccurate part of your note is that Witness Lee did not claim that to be in the local churches would result in becoming overcomers. Rather he said that if you enter the life practices your chances may increase... but there is no guarantee.
The irrational component of your note is the allegation that only those in the Lords recovery will be overcomers. The church age is now ~2000 years old. There have been overcomers throughout every age. Revelation 2 & 3 show this clearly. Brother Lee taught nothing different Within the Catholic Church there are overcomers, as in the Protestant churches. We don’t know who the overcomers are... but we should aspire to be an overcomer, well pleasing to Him. That is why I appreciate this ministry, in spite of all the problems, ... the Lord Jesus just keeps supplying grace upon grace. Hope it is the same for you.