Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-07-2018, 09:23 PM   #121
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Is it in fact binary, that is, either all or nothing? Rather than telling us it sounds "logical that exclusion from the kingdom will last for . . . 1000 years," please tell us supporting scripture for that all-or-nothing concept.

I mean, much of this whole thing (i.e., Christian theology) doesn't sound logical - the Christian life itself is flat out impossible from man's perspective!
Yes, it's a binary question so has a binary answer - there is no other possibilities. That is, it is not possibly to be half in the kingdom and half outside of it. It is not possible to be half saved. It is not possible to be half excluded from the kingdom.

Scripture supporting a logical approach can be found here:

1 Cor 14:33 - God is a God of order and therefore logic.

Romans 1:20 - God is seen in the logic of the universe - the laws of mathematics and physics.

There is a heaven, there is an earth. It is possible for a believer to be only in one place at a time.

So this reduces to four possibilities:

1) Yes to heaven, no to the kingdom
2) Yes to heaven, yes to the kingdom
3) No to heaven, no to the kingdom
4) No to heaven, yes to the kingdom

To pick any of these 4 possibilities at random gives us a 25% chance of being correct. To better our odds, all we need to do is count the number of scriptures which support each of the 4 possibilities. The one with the most scriptures is the most likely correct.
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