Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-06-2018, 04:33 PM   #115
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Neither of us knows brother Drake.
What we know brother awareness is that there is substance behind the parables as the one you cited in Matthew 13 clearly states. That parable and its explanation show that the parable represents the responses to receiving the word of the kingdom....and having it snatched away by the enemy, or withered because of persecution or tribulation, or choked by the deceitfulness of riches .. or better those that receive it and understand it produce thirty, sixty, hundredfold....that my brother is a serious and wonderful, (or not), matter.

The parables are provided for His followers to receive and understand. It really is not our place to dismiss the parables.... we have to seek the Lord for their meaning in the context of the entire completed Bible and according to the indwelling Spirit that guides us faithfully. The parable you brought up in Matthew 13 is precisely about our conversation right now..... receiving the word of the kingdom and producing manifold fruit.

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