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Old 07-10-2018, 09:06 AM   #546
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Default Re: The Asian Mind/The Western Mind

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
I have no dog in this particular fight, but this is about the only thing I can find online mentioning the points 6.a-d that also has any slight additional details around it (starts about 8-9 paragraphs down):

Thanks for finding this, which silences Drake's rebuttals.

David Wang was a highly respected elder in the church in Rosemead back in the 1980's with another elder Don Hardy. They were both repulsed by what what happening in the FTT Taipei, what was being brought back to the US, and what was happening at the Anaheim headquarters of LSM.

Don Hardy, a senior staff member at LSM who at the time was reading the Recovery Version onto tape for sale to the saints, walked in on the "Office Manager" Philip Lee one day while one of the female staff was sitting on his lap partly undressed in the act of adultery. Not very holy.

If you know anything about Exclusive Brethren history, you will know that James Taylor Sr. was their "anointed brother" or MOTA, after Darby and his successor had passed away. It was observed by many that his boy, James Taylor Jr., who succeeded him as their "MOTA," had a character identical to Philip Lee, complete with abuse, alcohol, and women. (The same could be said of countless Popes throughout the centuries.) The Exclusive Brethren (Peebs) even have their own websites for ex-members, one is WikiPeebia. It's like a mirror image of LCD. The Peebs also have a rich history of lawsuits towards all of their critics.
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