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Old 07-08-2018, 09:09 PM   #85
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: If you were in Scottsdale would you take the Table with us?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
So Evangelical asked me a question about whether the Scottsdale Church was THE CHURCH IN SCOTTSDALE or a sect. I went for a walk and asked the Lord about how to answer. I had some things I thought were fairly logical in mind, but when I came back I read the below post I referenced by Aron and realized - THAT'S IT!

It is just plain silly to get all caught up in this is a church or that isn't a church or this one's a sect, etc. Dare I say that it's childish and is just knowledge that will fail!? Well, I believe it is.

Brothers, the Lord said they will know us by our love, not about our great teachings! Right? And, again, the great teachings of knowledge will fail - even the good ones. Paul said this, right? Anything else sort of falls into a "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" thing - this will not testify to the world anything (other than old man Adam).

As Aron said, when we're focused on this sort of childish thing, we're not focused on pursuing Christ. No, we're not.

Just please go back an read Aron's post (post #71), slowly. (What we're going around and around about here isn't it!)
I am sure everyone loves Jesus, everyone says that. Suppose a man has a genuine wife and 4 mistresses. Your answer is equivalent to saying that it does not matter which is the genuine wife and which is the mistress because they all love the same man very much.

If there is no reason to not meet with other assemblies, then isn't it divisive for the church in Scottsdale to meet independently of other churches? Why not just meet with the baptists or the Lutherans? Doesn't this send a message or testimony of division to the world?

For me it's very simple. Is your gathering the original church in Scottsdale or is it a church which came from the original one?
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