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Old 07-06-2018, 08:50 PM   #529
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Default Re: The Asian Mind/The Western Mind

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post

Thanks. Do you know how far back the BPB went?

It's a small point why I'm asking. I was just thinking today about the seven lampstands and that if other Christian teachers, including Nee, said that one level of interpretation of the seven lampstands is that they represent the church at different points throughout history, then the LRC “the ground of oneness” cannot determine the legitimacy of a lampstand because this “ground” is supposedly a recovered truth in the very present time. If previous gatherings of believers before the Nee/Lee local churches did not meet on this recovered ground of oneness, how then could it be possible for the lampstands to represent the church at different points throughout history?
The British Plymouth Brethren under John Darby exerted their exclusive ways for the first time when they excommunicated Benjamin Newton of Plymouth in 1845. When George Muller and Henry Craik of Bethesda Chapel in nearby Bristol received into fellowship excommunicated members from Plymouth, they too were excommunicated. The resulting split resulted in the Exclusive and Open Brethren assemblies.

Both Darby of the Brethren, Nee of the Little Flock in China, and Lee of the LCM in Taiwan and the US considered the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3 to be historically fulfilled. Each considered their own followers to be the church in Philadelphia.

It's totally ironic and disgusting that both the Exclusives and the LCM today consider that their leader is the one oracle of God ... at the same time! Today Bruce Hales of Australia is their MOTA, Minister of the Age. So ridiculous. Both groups claim to be the sole lampstand in each city. Both groups claim their leader is the Minister of the Age.

Today the Wikipedia website for the Plymouth Brethren even considers Watchman Nee to be one of their own! Doesn't this sound like LSM:

The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC) is a Protestant church, often known as Exclusive Brethren or Raven-Taylor-Hales Brethren. These Brethren hold an uncompromising view on the doctrine of separation and their practice has steadily evolved from other Plymouth Brethren groups and also from mainstream Christendom.

In a radical departure from traditional Plymouth Brethren rejection of a clerical hierarchy, the PBCC has evolved into a hierarchical organization dominated by one person known as the Elect Vessel, the "Lord's servant" or the Man of God. The current Elect Vessel is Bruce Hales of Australia. As the most definable (and likely largest) of the brethren groups, most media reporting of "Exclusive Brethren" relates to the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church although other branches do exist.

Notable PBCC members:
Watchman Nee[110] — Respected Leader in the "Little Flock" movement in China after being excommunicated by Exclusive brethren for "breaking bread with sectarians."
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