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Old 07-02-2018, 06:50 AM   #502
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Default Re: Chinese/Asian Influence in The Local Church

Originally Posted by aron View Post
We'd like to know, if the shape of the local churches must be exactly identical, what shape they should be: triangular? If so, isosceles or equilateral? Or, perhaps cylindrical? Or maybe a nice neat cube? Lee just said "shape" and went on, but if we all should be exactly identical in shape then probably we need a little more information.....

....The local churches are to be exactly identical, but in what way? In shape? How are we supposed to implement that? ....

...he was an angry Chinese man defending his business interests....

In the footnote to Revelation 1:20 I see a Chinese fox-tail. How are local churches supposed to be exactly identical in "shape"?

.... and pointed to stuff like this as my reasoning. I also mentioned other things as well but got challenged on a footnote so here we are.

We’ve already covered nature, shape, and purpose and if you don’t like Brother Lees definition in the footnote from Revelation 1:20, or mine in this thread.. then I suggest you digest Trapped’s definitions concerning the heavenly and earthly realm in post #147. I agree with those aspects of his post. I also demonstrated by way of comparison the nature, shape, and purpose of angels, a topic you introduced.

What I observe in your posts is an oft repeated anti-Chinese theme. It’s almost like you ended up on the losing side when everybody was Kung Fu fighting. Frankly, I don’t know why you are so obsessive but this much I do know. We are here for one simple reason, that you misappropriated a phrase out of a footnote, which you hadn’t read, and spun it to mean something entirely different from its context or original definition. That is sophistry and is unbecoming of a Christian brother, which you are. Yet, one cannot stop you from falsehood, hate mongering, obsessing over Asian/Chinese culture, fabricating allegations out of your imagination etc....but I will it point out when I see you do it. That is just one aspect of my personalized care for you.

Here is another aspect of my care for you: Now that your “Chinese culture narrative” that you attempted to derive from the footnote in Revelation 1:20 has been thoroughly disproven and shown to be false.... out of the thousands and thousands of messages spoken and documented by Witness Lee there must be at least one statement that substantiates your assertion. No need to imagine such things, no need to rely on others who heard someone who overheard someone else, you don’t even need to depend on what some elder or coworker said...rather let’s hear it straight from the man himself, for such an important task as casting Chinese culture into divine matters must be accomplished with some degree of certitude. What did a Witness Lee say about culture and Chinese culture specifically?

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