Originally Posted by aron
What is the shape of the local churches? Does the footnote help us? Does the scriptural text?
How can we tell if the local churches have exactly identical shape? If we can't tell, then how does this footnote help us?
It reminds me of the various abstractions that can be interpreted any old way one wants. Lee, naturally, got to pick the "proper" meaning.
And Lee/LSM has given us the "proper meaning." They have spoken loud and clear.
The Midwest Quarantine ostensibly was over Titus Chu's right to publish his own books, and many have considered only the financial implications of this. What was really at stake was Lee/LSM's definition of oneness, vis'a'vis Golden Lampstands being absolutely identical in nature, shape, and purpose. When Lee/LSM are the only source of teaching in the LCM, they automatically wield great power over all their members, and in exclusive systems such as the LCM, power is much preferred to money.
So it is only Lee/LSM who determines what the exact "shape" of each member LC should be. Why is it that whenever the elders seek the Lord in order to shepherd their people, they immediately get charged with "independence." If that elder becomes effective at positively influencing others, the charge of "ambition" gets hurled at him. Thus, as I have seen for decades, the two unforgiveable sins in the LCM are ambition and independence. Financial impropriety and sexual immorality can be readily covered up as "mistakes," as in "everyone is entitled to a few," but
ambition and independence must be rooted out of every LC leader. Except for the one at the top. Only he is allowed to possess unlimited "
ambition and independence."
This is absolutely contrary to western American Christianity. Neither Billy Graham nor Rick Warren was condemned for "ambition and independence," rather many leaders looked to them as patterns to learn their source of blessing from the Lord. Why attack the fruitful ones? Who would do that? It only makes sense if it is the lust for power that drives the "maximum brother." This explains why the demands for the collective far outweigh any personal liberties we have in the Spirit. It also explains the system of public shaming.