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Old 07-01-2018, 05:40 AM   #484
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Default Re: Chinese/Asian Influence in The Local Church

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Yes but you can see that the footnote you've been quoting is regarding the divine attributes of the lampstands or local churches, which must be absolutely identical. You have invented an argument about Chinese culture based on a single sentence excerpt of an entire paragraph which shows the whole context.
Lee invented an argument for homogeneity of expression of the churches throughout the earth, an argument which betrayed his eastern roots. The western model is much more comfortable with heterogeneous expression. Lee tried to hide his 'strings' with words like 'divine attributes'. But eventually you would find a Mel Porter coming along to make everything clear. You know, 'operational'. As you put it, the whole context.
Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
You cannot play it both ways. If the nature of the Lampstand is golden, referring exclusively to God's holy nature, then we must conclude all Christian gatherings in His name are also Lampstands bearing the light of the Spirit.
Right. If the "divine nature and attributes" have a "shape, form, and purpose", then everyone who confesses Jesus is "exactly identical" in this matter. Either you are a Christian or you are not. Lee used this spiritual mumbo-jumbo as a back door to control. Yet the text does not support his call for identicality of expression, "with no individual distinctiveness".

Ohio told us a story of the Full Time Training in Taiwan, the push for absolutely identical expression. How happy Lee was when he looked out over a sea of disciples, all dressed in identical clothes, none having any individual distinctiveness. This, I say, has cultural roots. Those who couldn't get with the program were suspected in the LC of "Crimes of Fashion". It's outward-looking, with an eye for control. The spiritual-sounding words are just for cover.

There is a remarkable photo in this essay, on public shaming of those who didn't conform. It is obviously an exaggeration of what we saw in the LC, but in a way that is more pernicious, because the cultural influence in the LC is more hidden, and mistaken for spirituality.
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