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Old 06-30-2018, 04:52 PM   #468
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Default Re: Chinese/Asian Influence in The Local Church

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
So aron, the way you see things the lampstands in Revelation 1:20 are not identical in their nature (gold), their shape (lampstands), and their purpose (to shine light). According to you that is just Chinese culture talking there..... A Chinese man dreamed that description up. He couldn't help himself because his Chinese "cultural conventions necessitated it".....
Are not all humans "absolutely identical?" Each has a head, body, two arms and two legs? Each head is "identical" with two eyes, two ears, one mouth and one nose. Cut them open and they all look the same -- heart, lungs, liver, stomach, etc. You get the message.

Lee taught this too! Especially "early-Lee" back in the early days. This kind of "identical-ness" was likened to the oneness of the Spirit. He even wrote a book: Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life. The LC's enjoyed some blessing from God in those days. Even some real "oneness" and love and joy in the Spirit. The LC's even looked like the local populations -- mostly white, some yellow, some black.

Then Lee changed. Our oneness was not good enough for him. The 1974 elders' meeting was the start -- designated ministry stations all speaking Lee's messages. The 1984 "New Way" was another huge push. Now it was "absolute for the ministry or get out." The demands for uniformity had surpassed any demand in the scripture -- trainings, uniforms, firing all resistant elders and workers, ministry books for every meeting, one man speaking and all speaking from the one man, and not just any man, but the MOTA, the acting God.

Fear and duty replace love in the church -- spying on one another, who is not up-to-date, who is not one with WL, who is doing their own thing, who is not absolute enough -- and we have sleeper cells in the LC's, ready to tattle on the locals, scoring points with HQ's -- the results could be seen with brothers like Titus Chu publicly shamed by Witness Lee as an example to all.

Pathetic. John Ingalls et. al. were right! Lee had changed. Lee had changed the nature of the Recovery -- from Christ-centered to Lee-centered, from love to fear, from serving to spying, from the Bible to Lee's books -- thinking the same thing, speaking the same thing, reading the same thing -- "Lee, Lee, only Lee" -- just like he ranted in that Rosemead Conference, Thanksgiving, 1988 -- "it must be Lee!"
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