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Old 06-30-2018, 08:54 AM   #461
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Default Re: Chinese/Asian Influence in The Local Church

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

"not having any individual distinctiveness...but positively, in their nature, shape, and purpose, they are absolutely identical and are connected to one another."

Like I said, this is an argument from silence....and making an argument from silence is a very dangerous thing to be doing when it comes to the bible. "Absolutely identical"? I think not.
None of these Lampstands were even "absolutely identical." They were not cast from a common mold, rather they were hammer beaten from a solid talent of gold.

And then Drake uses this as justification for LSM forcing all the LC's being identical?

We should note, however, that all of the LC websites, except for LSM's, are somewhat identical, all cast from a common template.

I grew up in the RCC and I had a Catholic Missal, good for the whole year. There was a time when I could go to any RCC around the world and hear the same identical Mass spoken in Latin for every Sunday of the year, orchestrated by some priest wearing the same clothes as every one else.

That was the kind of twisted "oneness" that Drake dreams of. It's more like cloning than anything Christian.
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