Originally Posted by aron
Also, where did Lee get the idea that the lampstands were "exactly identical"? Are you and I "exactly identical"? I think there is a hidden meaning here, a push for control, which aligns with cultural preconceptions of leadership, which is probably what Jesus taught as "the way of the gentiles". This is, I posit, a "Chinese-flavoured (i.e. gentile)" interpretive model imposed on scripture. At it's source, however, someone is angling for control..
Sorry for adding so much, but it's an important topic.
There was a fall, and man got separated from God. Now men (and women) fight and dominate each other, having lost connection to their Source.
Along comes Jesus. He sees His disciples arguing for pre-eminence. He knows what spirit is behind that. The spirit that controls the earth, of grasping anxiety, manifesting itself in what He calls "the way of the gentiles". A spirit of domination. "If I can just push others down, and get them to do what I want, then I will be happy."
Because of the fall, we should take the opposite tack. We should all humble ourselves. Paul affirmed this - "why not rather be wronged" - in 1 Corinthians 6:7.
My point in noting the footnote in Revelation 1:20 is that it is a wedge, if you uncritically accept it, to separate you from your fellows. Because someone wants control of you. If you submit to them, you will be separated from your brothers and sisters into someone else's holding pen. They get elevated, you get suppressed and lose your natural function. This could be any seemingly spiritual group.
I don't know if I'm making any sense -- I just see a bad spirit behind this group and I'm trying to call it out. It hides behind words; we all do, I know, including myself. But I'm not trying to get $$ from anyone, or get them to go to my school. I'm just saying beware of false prophets, of wolves in sheep's clothing. You will tell them by their fruits. And their footnotes also indicate the source.
Avoid people who use the word of God for gain, to elevate themselves and control others.