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Old 06-29-2018, 12:26 PM   #433
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Default Re: Chinese/Asian Influence in The Local Church

Originally Posted by Elden1971 View Post
Brother Lee took serious advantage of Francis and put him at serious risk. I was close friends with Francis and his wife Martha lived with us briefly before they married. Francis would and did do anything Bro. Lee asked. When I explained the potential liability to Francis he was shocked and terrified. I was greatly relieved when the statute of limitations expired as Francis would have faced serious criminal and civil consequences.

Don Hardy was shocked when he discovered Phillip Lee was "cooking the books" in other words maintaining two sets of books. Don was outraged and resigned as an officer. Bro. Lee was himself an accountant and had to be complicit with Phillip as he personally funneled money through Francis and others. I have direct proof of this as I prepared the tax returns for Francis and heard first hand from him that Bro. Lee gave him the funds and told him what to do with them and of course I saw the actual bank statements.

Brother Lee and others were advised by Benton Fonner of the illegal and fraudulent nature of the Daystar offering. Daystar was the pivotal turning point for Brother Lee and Phillip and Timothy in the US. It is well documented of their previous business failings in Taiwan and the Phillipines. Bro. Lee came to me in Anaheim asking for Business advice as I had successfully invested for 39 Chinese clients in Taipei, Tainan and Brazil as well as Anaheim and had gained their trust and respect. I later traveled to Taiwan to meet personally with two brothers in Taipei and the other in Tainan. One of my sons has lived in Taiwan for 6 years and two years in China. I visited Beijing for 3 weeks about 3 years ago. I have been retired for 7 years and have no interest in discussing Daystar except to set the record straight. I knew personally all the major players and most of the investors and can say in summary that it was a disaster.
This is what happened. More from the American:
Originally Posted by Elden1971 View Post
Bro. Lee often referred to the glorious days of Elden and surely for those of us who were there from 62-74 many would testify to that fact. Why then did those key workers from that era ultimately all leave. Doug Kreiger in his testimony has testified that by 1974 it was all over as a result of Daystar and other issues. Doug had devoted 12 years of his life and had brought hundreds into Elden and Berkley. The core leadership at Elden Hall consisted of Samuel Chang, Don Hardy, John Ingalls, Bill Mallon and Al Knoch and yet all of these were betrayed by Bro. Lee after 20-25 years of faithful service . Godfred Otuteye , Sal Benoit, Ken Unger, Ned Nossaman were also greatly used and then wrongfully much maligned. Fred Malir and John Cowan were chosen to go to Brazil and returned to Elden and both left in 78. Fred now 91 was greatly used later in many countries especially in Cuba where with Don Hardy hundreds of home meetings were established and thrive to this day. Only Samuel Chang and Ken Unger have gone to be with the Lord the other men are still serving the Lord and most have written testimonies available on this and other sites. I could name dozens more like Jose Nunez who has been a missionary to Uganda the past 10 years and has mentored hundreds of Christian workers. More and more names are filling my memory and all left and all have gone on with the Lord. The hidden history of Bro. Lee is shameful in how he treated those co-workers and it will all be revealed at the Judgment Seat. The current activity of the Blended Brothers to me has been incomprehensible since I knew most of them and I'm shocked at the level of deception that has encompassed them, but a little leaven eventually leavens the whole lot.
May we all continue to pray for their deliverance and for all who remain under their control.
I know some will ask, "What does this have to do with Asian culture?" This thread was birthed from a thread on whether to attend the FTT. I said, "Why would anyone want to be trained/programmed/acculturated into this group?" It is a culture of tacit silence. It has roots in its native soil. I am trying to show that Nee and Lee were both captive by their native culture, which infected the movement. There are witnesses to what happened in the LC. We can pretend, and quote Lee's 'spiritual words', or we can see what actually occurred on the ground, with real people.

Let me give a personal view. I read Witness Lee holding that in the Psalms the phrase "I will dip my feet in the blood of my enemy" was a type of Christ triumphing over Satan (per Lee's interpretation). Then another Psalm has the Psalmist also wishing harm to his enemies and Lee said, "That's not Christian. We should bless our enemies." I pointed out the interpretational inconsistency and a LC member replied, "Perhaps it is so." Well, perhaps it is not so. And the footnote said it was, not 'perhaps'. Only a docile and compliant culture could stand such ridiculous teachings. Our American culture is if we see something stupid someone will point it out. But the Chinese culture is, "Don't bring shame to elder brother Lee." So they keep their mouths shut.

So my point is that the FTT is to give you a "Chinese flavor". Then you will "make it" in the LC. There are many nations and cultures. The Bible says that the kings of the nations will bring their glory into the City of God. Revelation 21:24,26; cf Isaiah 60:3, 5. Nothing wrong with the Chinese, but they aren't the only nation. So imposing their culture as requisite for the Kingdom is patently false. There are other voices besides that of Witness Lee. Let them come forth. There are other "flavors" that will also give glory to God. Let them speak, also.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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